Navs / Tabs

Examples for how to use Bootstrap’s included navigation components.

Base Nav

Navigation available in Bootstrap share general markup and styles, from the base .nav class to the active and disabled states. Swap modifier classes to switch between each style.

The base .nav component is built with flexbox and provide a strong foundation for building all types of navigation components. It includes some style overrides (for working with lists), some link padding for larger hit areas, and basic disabled styling.

Base Nav

Classes are used throughout, so your markup can be super flexible. Use < ul >s like above, or roll your own with say a < nav > element. Because the .nav uses display: flex, the nav links behave the same as nav items would, but without the extra markup.

Available Nav styles

Change the style of .navs component with modifiers and utilities. Mix and match as needed, or build your own.

Center alignment

Change the horizontal alignment of your nav with flexbox utilities. By default, navs are left-aligned, but you can easily change them to center or right aligned.

Centered with .justify-content-center:

Right alignment

Right with .justify-content-end:

Vertical alignment

Stack your navigation by changing the flex item direction with the .flex-column utility. Need to stack them on some viewports but not others? Use the responsive versions (e.g., .flex-sm-column).

Vertical alignment

As always, vertical navigation is possible without < ul > s, too.

Tabs based on "< ul > < li >"
You may think that this is just yet an other charting library. But Chartist.js is the product of a community that was disappointed about the abilities provided by other charting libraries. Of course there are hundreds of other great charting libraries but after using them there were always tweaks you would have wished for that were not included.
With the clear separation of concerns within Chartist.js, you're able to style your charts with CSS in @media queries. However, sometimes you also need to conditionally control the behavior of your charts. For this purpose, Chartist.js provides you with a simple configuration override mechanism based on media queries.
Specifying the style of your chart in CSS is not only cleaner but also enables you to use awesome CSS animations and transitions to be applied to your SVG elements!
Justify Tabs
You may think that this is just yet an other charting library. But Chartist.js is the product of a community that was disappointed about the abilities provided by other charting libraries. Of course there are hundreds of other great charting libraries but after using them there were always tweaks you would have wished for that were not included.
With the clear separation of concerns within Chartist.js, you're able to style your charts with CSS in @media queries. However, sometimes you also need to conditionally control the behavior of your charts. For this purpose, Chartist.js provides you with a simple configuration override mechanism based on media queries.
Specifying the style of your chart in CSS is not only cleaner but also enables you to use awesome CSS animations and transitions to be applied to your SVG elements!
Justify Pills

Force your .nav’s contents to extend the full available width one of two modifier classes. To proportionately fill all available space with your .nav-items, use .nav-fill. Notice that all horizontal space is occupied, but not every nav item has the same width.

Justify Pills with Nav

Force your .nav’s contents to extend the full available width one of two modifier classes. To proportionately fill all available space with your .nav-items, use .nav-fill. Notice that all horizontal space is occupied, but not every nav item has the same width.